Tomato paste from tomatoes at home for the winter

1 h. 0 min.
3 350 ml cans
Tomato paste from tomatoes at home for the winter

Homemade tomato paste is a natural base for your culinary masterpieces. Add it to gravies, pizza, meat and first courses, use it to prepare your favorite sauces. The recipe does not involve long-term boiling, and in the composition - only tomatoes!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Use ripe fleshy fruits to make pasta! So, wash the tomatoes well, dry them slightly and, if necessary, cut off all the defects.

Pass the tomatoes through the juicer. Squeeze the cake additionally 5-6 times.

Put the tomato juice in a large cooking pot and warm it up for 5 minutes. The thick and foam will rise to the surface. Remove the pan from the heat.

It's time to share a life hack on how to do without long evaporation of moisture from tomato juice. It's very simple! Strain the hot tomato juice from the pan through a very fine sieve - the unnecessary liquid will drain, and the necessary grounds will remain in the sieve.

Place the remaining tomato mass in a saucepan and boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat under the lid. Do not forget to stir occasionally! After the specified time, the paste will become thicker and slightly change color.

Pour hot tomato paste into pre-prepared sterile jars, seal tightly, turn upside down, wrap and cool. Store the cooled workpiece in a cool, dark place.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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