Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic for winter

1 h. 30 min.
5 0.5 l cans
Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic for winter
Svetlana Terlyukevich,

I love this eggplant preparation recipe for its simplicity and delicious result. Make a little effort to please your family and friends with a spicy vegetable snack in winter. I recommend serving with boiled potatoes, rice and any meat dishes.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the tomatoes, cut them arbitrarily. Peel the hot pepper from the seeds and stalks. Pass the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder.

Put the resulting mass on the fire, add salt, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes.

Cut eggplants into circles or cubes of medium thickness and place in boiling tomato mass.

Add sugar and vegetable oil, mix everything well and boil the workpiece over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Do not forget to stir occasionally!

5 minutes before cooking, add vinegar and crushed garlic, mix.

Pack the boiling billet into pre-sterilized jars, seal tightly, turn upside down, wrap it up and leave it to cool completely. Transfer the cooled workpiece to a cool, dark place for storage.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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