Blueberry sauce for meat for winter

35 min.
2 servings
Blueberry sauce for meat for winter

Blueberries are not only jam, but also a wonderful berry sauce. For example, meat, which is harmoniously combined with a spicy sweet and sour taste. Further in the recipe I will tell you not only how to cook it, but also how to save it for the winter.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Chop the onion in a blender. Put it in a saucepan with blueberries and water, and bring to a boil.

Cook the mass on low heat for 20 minutes.

Grind the sauce with a blender again.

Add all the other ingredients, boil for another 7-10 minutes after boiling and roll the sauce into sterile jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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