Pickled melon for winter

50 min.
2 servings
Pickled melon for winter
Peredniankina, stock.adobe.com

Melon is not a fruit that is safe to buy in winter. But how I want to eat a piece of delicious, sweet melon in the cold. I offer you a recipe for pickled melon, which tastes exactly like fresh.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Prepare the melon. Rinse it, peel it and cut it into small cubes.

Put the melon in jars, pour boiling water, cover and let stand for 15 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan, add all the other ingredients and bring to a boil.

Fill the melon with marinade, roll it up and send it to cool in a dark cool place.

Julia Qion
Recipe added:
Julia Qion
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