Tomatoes with grapes for winter

25 min.
20 servings
Tomatoes with grapes for winter
Yulia Furman,

It's hard to imagine a full-fledged winter meal without fragrant pickles. And what if you add a little variety and cook tomatoes with grapes? To enhance the flavor of such an additive, I use grape vinegar instead of the usual vinegar.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the tomatoes, pierce them with a needle at the base so that they do not burst under the influence of boiling water.

Remove the grapes from the brushes and rinse.

Put dill, spices, peeled garlic cloves, grapes and tomatoes into prepared jars.

Pour boiling water to the top, cover with lids and leave to warm up for 30 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt and boil for 4 minutes.

Pour wine vinegar and boiling marinade into the jars. Roll it up, turn it upside down and wrap it up with a warm blanket.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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