Spicy gherkins for winter

20 min.
20 servings
Spicy gherkins for winter
zefirchik06, stock.adobe.com

What could be tastier than pickles? Of course, spicy gherkins! They are often served with vodka, mashed potatoes, meat and fish dishes. But even if you are not interested in alcohol, you will really like a spicy snack!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the gherkins and fill them with cold water for 2 hours.

Place dill, spices, whole pepper pods and peeled garlic cloves in sterilized jars.

Tamp the gherkins tightly, shaking the jars several times in the process.

Pour boiling water up to the top, cover with lids and leave to warm up for 30 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan and boil for 2 minutes.

Pour sugar and salt into jars with cucumbers.

Pour vinegar, boiling water and roll up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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