Snacks 21.07.2023

Hot sandwiches for breakfast

20 min.
2 servings
Hot sandwiches for breakfast
Tatiana Pinkasevich,

One of my favorite breakfasts is hot sandwiches. On the one hand, they are very satisfying, and on the other – their preparation takes a few minutes. At the same time, it turns out not just a snack, but almost a full-fledged main dish that will give you a boost of strength for a long time.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Put the sausage slices on the bread and then the tomato slices.

Place slices of cheese on top.

Put the sandwiches in the microwave for 2 minutes or 7 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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