Snacks 18.07.2023

Chicken jelly

3 h. 45 min.
14 servings
Chicken jelly
Anatoly Repin,

I know a great recipe for chicken jelly. It is prepared without gelatin and always freezes perfectly. The whole secret is that I add chicken legs. They contain a lot of cartilage and bones, so the broth is saturated with the substances necessary for stabilization.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the chicken into four pieces, rinse and put in a bowl.

Add the prepared paws, spices, cold water and cook for 3 hours over low heat.

Remove the chicken and paws from the broth, put on a plate and cool.

Strain the broth, add carrots, peeled onions and bell pepper.

Add salt and boil everything together for another 30 minutes.

Discard the onion, put the rest of the vegetables on a board and chop.

Separate the meat from the bones, chop it and put it in prepared containers.

Add the vegetables, pour in the broth and put in a cool place for 6 hours.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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