Snacks 20.06.2023

Simple canapes on skewers for a festive table

10 min.
6 servings
Simple canapes on skewers for a festive table
Africa Studio,

While the main dish is baking in the oven, let's do snacks. In conditions of limited time, you can quickly prepare simple canapes on skewers. The options may be different. I like the combination of mozzarella, fresh herbs and crusty bread.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the bread, cucumber and lettuce into beautiful pieces.

Lightly brown the bread in a dry pan.

Cool and brush with cream cheese.

Lay out a piece of cucumber and cover with a piece of bread on top.

Put a mozzarella ball and a piece of lettuce on the skewer.

Stick a skewer into the bread with cucumber.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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