Drinks 26.05.2023

Kvass from black bread at home

24 h. 0 min.
1 jar 2 l
Kvass from black bread at home
Yomka, stock.adobe.com

To prepare delicious and fragrant bread kvass, unused pieces of dried black bread, which periodically appear in any kitchen, will do. Homemade kvass is perfectly refreshing on a summer day! The drink will be ready for consumption in a day.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the black bread into arbitrary pieces and dry it in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Put the crackers in a jar, add sugar.

Wash the raisins and add them to the jar.

Boil water, pour boiling water over the contents of the jar a little more than ⅔. Cool the workpiece to room temperature.

Dissolve yeast in a glass of water and pour it into a jar.

Leave the jar with the drink to ferment at room temperature for 1-2 days. The readiness of kvass can be determined by eye: the active phase of fermentation will end when the crackers sink to the bottom of the jar. From this moment on, kvass is ready for consumption.

If you do not plan to drink kvass immediately, close the jar with a nylon lid and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Before serving, strain the kvass through 2 layers of gauze. I recommend using kvass in a chilled form.

The bread left at the bottom of the jar can be used to make another batch of kvass: it is enough to add a couple of slices of black bread, sugar, water and half a portion of yeast.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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