Second courses 02.02.2022

Chicken wings baked in Jerky sauce

55 min.
4 servings
Chicken wings baked in Jerky sauce

In the Caribbean, many dishes are prepared with spicy Jerk sauce. Its complex and multifaceted taste is revealed in a new way every time. Try baking wings with it. It's very tasty and original! Be sure, your efforts will be appreciated!


For Wings:
  • Chicken Wings - 800 g
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.l.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
For sauce:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the chicken wings, dry them thoroughly and cut them into joints.

Add salt, ground pepper and mix.

In a small saucepan, mix vinegar, soy sauce, oil, nutmeg, chili pepper, thyme, salt and brown sugar.

Crumble allspice in a mortar and pour it into a saucepan, squeeze garlic through a press. Heat the mixture over low heat for 2 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.

Pour the marinade into the wings, mix and cover with cling film for 1.5 hours.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the wings and bake for 35 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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