Baking 18.03.2022

Donuts on mayonnaise

50 min.
5 servings
Donuts on mayonnaise
Alexander Marchenko,

Do you know how to cook donuts with mayonnaise? If not, this recipe is for you! He always helps me out if the house is out of eggs and milk. Keep in mind that such an additive will make the dough not only soft, but also greasy. Dry yeast can be replaced with fatty ones.


  • Flour - 500 g
  • Mayonnaise - 3 art.l.
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp.l .
  • Dry yeast - 8 g
  • Salt - at the tip of the knife
  • Water (warm) – 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil (for roasting) – 400 ml

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Dissolve yeast and powdered sugar in warm water.

Add mayonnaise, salt and mix until smooth.

Pour in the sifted flour, knead the dough and cover with a towel for 1 hour.

Roll out a thick cake, squeeze out the donuts with glasses of different sizes and leave to rise at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.

Fry the donuts in hot oil for 3-4 minutes and put them on a paper towel.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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