Baking 22.01.2022

Apple charlotte in a frying pan

50 min.
8 servings
Apple charlotte in a frying pan

Don't want to turn on the oven once again? You can also cook a delicious apple charlotte in a frying pan. It is important that the dough warms up evenly, so the frying pan should only be used heavy, with a thick bottom and sides.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy foam.

Add vanilla essence and flour mixed with baking powder.

Peel the apples, slice and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Grease a frying pan with butter and lay out the apples.

Pour the dough evenly over the top, cover tightly and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Using two spatulas, gently turn the charlotte over. Turn down the heat and continue cooking for another 10 minutes under the lid.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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