Baking 13.11.2022

Sochniki with cottage cheese

1 h. 10 min.
8 servings
Sochniki with cottage cheese

Homemade juicers are much tastier than store-bought ones just because you can put as many fillings as you want. The recipe is simple, and the shortbread dough with the addition of sour cream turns out soft and crumbly. This is how it is prepared according to GOST.


For Dough:
For filling:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Combine the melted butter with sugar, egg and sour cream. Add salt and mix until smooth.

Mix flour with baking powder, sift into a bowl with a liquid mass. Knead a soft, slightly sticky dough. Cover the dough with a film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

For the filling, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, egg white, sugar and flour. Add vanilla sugar to taste, mix well.

Divide the cooled dough into 10 parts, roll out the tortillas 3-4 mm thick. Put the curd filling on the edge of the tortilla, cover with the second half of the tortilla, press down a little, do not pinch the edges. Lubricate the surface of the juicers with beaten yolk.

Bake the juicers with cottage cheese in a preheated oven to 190 °C for 15-20 minutes.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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