Black raspberry jelly

30 min.
2 servings
Black raspberry jelly
Nataliia Pyzhova,

Black raspberries contain a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and other useful substances, so it is recommended to eat them more often. And the best way to save it for the future is to cook such a simple jelly for the winter. Then it can be used this way or added to desserts and pastries.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Pre-soak the gelatin in water according to the instructions.

Cover the raspberries with sugar and leave for a couple of hours.

Bring the raspberries to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and rub through a sieve if desired.

Add gelatin, mix and roll the jam into sterile jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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