Caviar from champignons for the winter through a meat grinder

1 h. 0 min.
4 servings
Caviar from champignons for the winter through a meat grinder
Veronika Idiyat,

Do you think champignons for the winter can only be pickled? In fact, the choice of blanks from them is much larger. Including such a wonderful mushroom caviar. I advise you to use a meat grinder, not a blender, to preserve the texture of the snack.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Randomly chop the champignons, onions and carrots. Fry everything together until soft.

Put everything through a meat grinder, add spices and the remaining oil.

Simmer the workpiece for 40 minutes on low heat, stirring.

Pour in the vinegar and roll the caviar from the champignons into sterile jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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