Saute zucchini for winter

1 h. 0 min.
4 servings
Saute zucchini for winter

There are so many of them in the zucchini season that ideas of where to put them quickly run out. If you or your loved ones have a vegetable garden, you are definitely familiar with this problem. So additional recipes for blanks will never be superfluous. For example, here is a saute of zucchini.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut all the vegetables into cubes, chop the garlic.

Put everything in a saucepan, pour in the oil and fry for 10 minutes.

Add sugar and salt, and simmer the honeycomb for half an hour on low heat.

Pour in the vinegar and roll it into sterilized jars.

Irina Kovaleva
Recipe added:
Irina Kovaleva
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