Currant, ground with sugar without cooking

24 h. 0 min.
5 cans
Currant ground with sugar without cooking
Elen Nika,

Black currant is a record holder in the content of vitamin C. In order to preserve not only the taste and aroma of berries, but also useful properties, I suggest preparing “cold” jam for the winter - currants ground with sugar. Excellent immunity support in the off-season!


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Sort the currant, remove from the twigs, rinse several times under running water, then discard it in a colander.

Place the berries in a deep bowl, beat with a blender until mushy, then rub through a sieve.

Add sugar and mix well. Cover the bowl with the berry mass with several layers of gauze and leave for a day at room temperature. Periodically, the mass should be mixed.

A day later, add lemon juice to the workpiece (you can replace 1 tsp with a slide of citric acid), mix well and leave for another 10 minutes.

Pack the “cold” jam in pre-sterilized small jars, not reaching the neck by 4 cm. Top with a layer of sugar about 2 cm thick - it will create a kind of crust and protect the jam from mold.

Seal the jars with the blank tightly and send them for storage in the pantry or cellar. "Cold" currant jam is stored in a cool place for up to 1 year.

Ekaterina Parshina
Recipe added:
Ekaterina Parshina
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