Lingonberry jam without sterilization

20 min.
14 servings
Lingonberry jam without sterilization
Galina Sandalova,

In the season of wild berries, do not forget to make a stock for the winter. Among other things, prepare a couple of jars of lingonberry jam. I suggest using my favorite recipe without sterilization. To do this, you will need a blender or a regular meat grinder.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the lingonberries under running water and put them on a paper towel to dry.

Pass the berries through a meat grinder or chop them with a blender.

Put the mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar and mix.

Boil for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Add lemon juice and cook for another 15 minutes on low heat.

Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close the lids and wrap it with a warm towel for a day.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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