Plum jam with cinnamon

35 min.
12 servings
Plum jam with cinnamon
Nadiya Koval,

Are you planning to cook canned plums? Try this recipe! In our family, everyone loves plum jam with cinnamon. It is not difficult to cook it: peel the fruit from the seeds, add the rest of the ingredients and boil. Read more further in the recipe.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Wash the plums, cut in half, peel the seeds and chop.

Put the workpiece in a deep saucepan, cover with sugar and put aside for 3 hours.

Bring the mass to a boil, add cinnamon, citric acid and cook for 15 minutes.

Fill clean dry jars with hot jam and roll them up.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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