Snacks 16.06.2023

Hot sandwiches in a sandwich maker

15 min.
4 servings
Hot sandwiches in a sandwich maker
WS Studio,

Satisfying, fast and simple — this is the only way to characterize hot sandwiches in a sandwich maker. Prepare them for breakfast or for a quick snack, wrap them in foil and take them to work with you. An appetizing snack will help you to satisfy your hunger for a long time.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Cut the sausage and cheese into thin slices.

Brush four slices of bread with butter.

Put the sausage and cheese on top.

Brush the remaining four slices of bread with mustard and put them on top of the blanks.

Put it in a sandwich pan and fry for 5-7 minutes.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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