Second courses 22.01.2022

Stuffed cabbage rolls with ground beef

1 h. 40 min.
8 servings
Stuffed cabbage rolls with ground beef

Cooking cabbage rolls with ground beef requires a special approach. In this case, the filling should be made greasier. I add a little lard and cook a roast on lard - then the cabbage rolls turn out juicy and very tasty!


For cabbage rolls:
  • Cabbage (white) – 1 head
  • Tomato sauce - 180 ml
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Black Pepper - 3 peas
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water - 800 ml
For filling:

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Remove the stalk, prick the cabbage on a two-pronged fork and place it in boiling water.

Periodically take out the cabbage and remove the soft leaves. Repeat the steps until you remove all the appropriate leaves.

Cut off the rough parts on the leaves or lightly beat them off with a hammer.

Rinse the rice under running water, pour boiling water and cover for 15 minutes.

Cut onion and bacon into small cubes, grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Preheat a frying pan, add lard, lard and cook for 3 minutes on low heat.

Add carrots, onions and fry until golden brown. Select part of the roast for the filling, add tomato sauce, 1 cup of water, bay leaf and pepper to the rest. Boil for 10 minutes.

Mix the minced meat, rice, egg, roast, salt and ground black pepper. Mix the mass thoroughly with your hands.

Put some filling on the edge of the cabbage leaf and roll it into an envelope. Repeat the steps with the remaining leaves.

Cover the bottom of the pan with cabbage leaves, lay cabbage rolls loosely on top.

Add hot water, tomato roast, salt and simmer cabbage rolls for 1 hour over low heat.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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