Baking 16.02.2022

Potato and onion pancakes

25 min.
4 servings
Pancakes from potatoes and onions

Potato dishes are very popular in our family. We often cook, fry and bake it. From time to time I cook potato pancakes. I will tell you about them today. Adjust the density of the dough by adding more or less flour.


Step-by-step cooking recipe

Peel the potatoes and grate them.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Mix warm sour milk, sugar, salt, ground pepper and soda. The mass should increase slightly in volume.

Add onion, potatoes, lightly beaten eggs and flour. Stir until smooth.

Spoon small islands of dough into a well-heated frying pan with oil. Fry for 2 minutes on each side and place on a paper napkin.

Olga Beznosyuk
Recipe added:
Olga Beznosyuk
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