Irish coffee is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Decorate the weekend evening with a cup of fragrant Irish coffee. A drin ...

Prune compote is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Compotes from dried fruits are in no way inferior to compotes from fresh ...

Gooseberry and cherry compote is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

If you like sweet fragrant compotes – this option is exactly for you. Go ...

Quince jelly – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Jelly is always primarily about the technology of making a thick drink. ...

Pumpkin smoothie with chia seeds – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

You can talk as much as you like about the fact that smoothies are just ...

Turkish coffee – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Start a new day with a cup of fragrant Turkish coffee. Get up a little e ...

Spanish lemonade – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Homemade lemonade is not only tastier, but also much more profitable tha ...

Ice Americano is a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

As a lover of cold coffee, I can recommend the classic recipe of ice Ame ...

Frozen sea buckthorn morse – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, trace elements a ...

Hot chocolate – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

This drink is a true delight for chocolate lovers. You can use any choco ...

Smoothie with banana and spinach – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step-by-step)

Smoothie with banana and spinach – a quick and healthy drink. Its sweetn ...

Mango and banana smoothie – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

This smoothie turns out to be thick, fragrant and quite satisfying. He w ...

Coconut latte – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

This drink is perfect for those who love exotic flavors. I love coconut ...

Vietnamese coffee – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

To prepare this drink, you will need a special coffee fin (press filter) ...

Vanilla moccachino – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Moccachino has a rich chocolate flavor that gives it cocoa. Therefore, i ...

Lemonade with strawberries and lime juice – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Instead of sweet water, buy lemons, lime and strawberries. You can easil ...