Thick apple jam in the oven – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

How many times have boiling jam been sprayed on you? From just one thoug ...

Classic apple tkemali for winter – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

It's no secret that traditional Georgian tkemali is made from plums. But ...

Black fruit for the winter without cooking is a simple and delicious recipe how to cook step by step

Black fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants, which c ...

Melon and raspberry jam – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Have you ever tried to combine melon with raspberries? Until recently, I ...

Chanterelle caviar with garlic for winter is a simple and delicious recipe for cooking step by step

Fragrant chanterelle caviar will sparkle with new colors if you add a li ...

The best recipe for squash caviar for winter is a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Classic squash caviar is the very "overseas" delicacy. In fact, this is ...

Jam from pears and apples – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

If you like jam and thick jams – catch a great recipe for apple and pear ...

Spicy cabbage salad – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Of all the variations of salads with cabbage for the winter - this one w ...

Pumpkin jam – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Berry and fruit jam have long become familiar on our tables. When once a ...

Tomato dressing for winter in a slow cooker – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step-by-step)

Tomato dressing cooked in a slow cooker will significantly reduce the co ...

Pear compote for winter – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

I like to make compote in small jars and serve it for breakfast or inste ...

Orange jam with agar-agar – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

There are two main ways to prepare thick orange jam: boil it for a long ...

Red currant jelly is a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Well, who doesn't love that mom's red currant jelly? And what if I say t ...

Spicy carrot salad for winter – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

Best of all, such a spicy salad is obtained from young tender carrots. I ...

Pitted plum compote – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

I love to roll up compotes for the winter, because it's very fast and ea ...

Apple and lingonberry jam – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

If you don't like jams and jams for their sugary sweetness – this recipe ...

Carrot jam for winter – a simple and delicious recipe with photos (step by step)

You probably know that carrots make a wonderful filling for pies and who ...