Mayonnaise with milk – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Once, for the sake of experiment, I tried to make mayonnaise with milk. ...

Nut sauce for chuka is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

The classic dressing for chuka is nut sauce. But I don't really like sto ...

Tomato sauce Passata – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Passata sauce is a thick tomato mass with aromatic spices. You can add o ...

Classic bechamel sauce for meatballs is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Bechamel has a smooth and creamy texture, which makes it an ideal sauce ...

Garlic pizza sauce is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

As you can easily guess, garlic sauce has a bright and characteristic ta ...

Bechamel sauce for meat is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

If you want to master the skill of French cuisine, learn how to cook bec ...

Tartar sauce with sour cream and cucumber – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Tartare sauce got its name from that very meat French dish. Initially, i ...

Tkemali from prunes – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Tkemali is one of my favorite sauces because it is very versatile and at ...

Classic pesto sauce is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

True connoisseurs of Italian cuisine know how important pesto sauce is. ...

Classic tartar sauce – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

A traditional seafood additive, although many are happy to season meat a ...

Cherry sauce for meat is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

French cuisine is famous for its unique sauces. They combine different t ...

Lingonberry sauce for fish – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

We are already used to berry sauces with meat, but in fact they are good ...

Tkemali with nuts – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

One of the integral parts of Georgian cuisine is this tkemali sauce. It ...

Garlic sauce for shawarma is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Sometimes on weekends I cook shawarma. As a result of numerous tests, it ...

Lasagna sauce – a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

There is almost always butter, milk, cream and flour at home. From these ...

Pea water mayonnaise is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

The classic way to make lean mayonnaise is to make it based on bean brot ...

Mango salad sauce is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Dressing salads with olive oil or lemon juice alone is unbearably boring ...

Bechamel for fish is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

The delicious bechamel is considered the king of all sauces. It is prepa ...

Marinade for vegetables on the grill is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

It is a mistake to think that marinade is needed only for meat. It is th ...

Tangerine sauce for meat is a simple and delicious recipe, how to cook step by step

Citrus fruits perfectly complement meat dishes. Do you want to check? Pr ...